Hlohonolofatsa Li-Sweatshirts tse Khatisoang tse Tloaelehileng

Bonyane Taelo e Tlase: Qala li-sweatshirts tsa hau tse hatisitsoeng tse hatisitsoeng ka ho odara bonyane likotoana tse 50, e leng se etsang hore e be tse loketseng mefuta ea boholo bofe kapa bofe.

Mokhoa oa ho etsa Mehlala: Nka monyetla oa tšebeletso ea rona ea ho etsa mohlala ho ntlafatsa moralo oa hau pele u itlama ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tse ngata, ho netefatsa hore lintlha tsohle li kopana le litebello tsa hau.

Likhatiso le Masela a Tloaelehileng: Khetha ho tsoa mefuteng e mengata e fapaneng ea likhetho tsa khatiso le masela a boleng bo holimo ho theha li-sweatshirt tse nang le li-hood tse bonts'ang setaele le boleng bo ikhethang ba mofuta oa hau.

Ts'ehetso ea Boqapi ba Setsebi: Sebetsa haufi-ufi le sehlopha sa rona sa meralo se nang le boiphihlelo ho etsa hore pono ea hau e phele, ho tloha mohopolong oa pele ho isa sehlahisoa sa ho qetela, ho netefatsa hore li-sweatshirts tsa hau tsa tloaelo li hlahella.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Litšebeletso tse Itokiselitsoeng bakeng sa Li-Sweatshirts tse Hatisitsoeng tse Tloaelehileng



Tlhahisoleseding ea Moralo oa Motho ka mong:

Sebelisana 'moho le sehlopha sa rona sa meralo ea litsebi ho theha meralo e ikhethang le e ikhethileng ea li-sweatshirts. Re u tataisa ts'ebetsong eohle, ho tloha ho likheche tsa pele ho isa litokisong tsa ho qetela, re netefatsa hore lintlha tsohle li lumellana le chebelo ea lebitso la hau le semelo sa hau.


Khetho ea Lesela la Premium:

Khetha ho tsoa mefuteng e mengata ea masela a boleng bo holimo, ho kenyelletsa le k'hothone e bonolo, polyester e tšoarellang le boea bo monate. Re u thusa ho khetha thepa e nepahetseng ho etsa bonnete ba hore li-sweatshirts tsa hau tse koahetsoeng li lula li le bonolo, li le setaele ebile li tšoarella nako e telele.

2.lesela-ka tloaelo


Mekhoa e Tsoetseng Pele ea ho Hatisa:

Sebelisa mekhoa ea rona ea morao-rao ea khatiso e kang khatiso ea skrine, khatiso ea digital, le sublimation. Mekhoa ena e fana ka likhatiso tse hlasimollang, tsa boleng bo holimo tse etsang hore li-sweatshirts tsa hau tse koahetsoeng li hlahelle 'me li siee maikutlo a sa feleng.


Mohlala oa ho Itloaetsa le Tumello:

Nka monyetla oa tšebeletso ea rona ea ho etsa mohlala ho bona le ho utloa moralo oa hau pele ho tlhahiso e ngata. Sena se o nolofalletsa ho etsa liphetoho leha e le life tse hlokahalang le ho netefatsa hore sehlahisoa sa ho qetela se kopana le litlhaloso tsa hau hantle. Ka palo e tlase ea odara ea likotoana tse 50 feela, o ka ntlafatsa meralo ea hau ka boits'epo ntle le matsete a bohlokoa a pele.


Hlohonolofatsa Custom Printed Sweatshirts Manufacture

Ho Bless Custom Printed Hooded Sweatshirts Manufacture, re sebetsa ka thata ho phelisa meralo ea hau e ikhethang ka bokhabane ba boleng bo holimo le ts'ebeletso e ikhethileng. Ts'ebetso ea rona e qala ka lipuisano tse qaqileng tsa moralo, ho netefatsa hore lintlha tsohle li lumellana le pono ea mofuta oa hau.

Letšoao la rona la liaparo le tiisitsoe ka BSCI, GOTS, le SGS, ho netefatsa litekanyetso tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa tsa ho fumana melao ea boitšoaro, thepa ea tlhaho, le polokeho ea lihlahisoa..

Li-sweatshirts tsa rona tse nang le li-hooded li tlas'a taolo e tiileng ea boleng boemong bo bong le bo bong ba tlhahiso, ho netefatsa ho tšoarella ho hoholo, boiketlo le ho nepahala ha moralo.

 Sehlopha sa rona se inehetseng se fana ka tšehetso e feto-fetohang, e arabelang ho fana ka litlhoko tsa hau tse ikhethileng, ho netefatsa boiphihlelo bo bonolo le bo se nang mathata ho tloha ho moralo ho isa ho phano.


Mokhoa o Fetang oa Li-Sweatshirts tse Tloaelehileng


Hlohonolofatsa Hiphop Oversize Custom Sweatshirts

Hlohonolofatsa li-hoodies tse hatisitsoeng tsa logo e kholo 4

Hlohonolofatsa li-hoodies tse hatisitsoeng tsa logo e kholo

Hlohonolofatsa logo e hatisitsoeng ea hoodie3

Hlohonolofatsa hoodie ea logo e hatisitsoeng

Ka sehloohong-01

Hlohonolofatsa Letšoao le Leholo le Felletseng ka Ho Fetisisa Hoodie Manufacture

Li-Sweatshirts tse Khatisoang tse Tloaelehileng

Tlhahiso ea Li-Sweatshirts tse Hatisitsoeng tse Tloaelehileng

Ho Custom Printed Hooded Sweatshirts Manufacture, re fetola meralo ea hau ea boiqapelo hore e be li-sweatshirts tsa boleng bo holimo tse nang le setaele tse emelang mofuta oa hau. Ts'ebetso ea rona e qala ka therisano ea moralo oa motho ka mong ho netefatsa hore pono ea hau e nkuoa hantle.


Iketsetse Sebopeho le Mekhoa ea Hao

"Iketsetse Sets'oants'o sa Lets'oao la Hao le Setaele ka lits'ebeletso tsa rona tsa maemo a holimo. Ho Bless, re fetola pono ea hau ea boqapi hore e be 'nete ka ho fana ka tšehetso e felletseng ea moralo le lisebelisoa tsa pele. lebitso le ikhethang la lebitso la hau.

Moreki oa Rona o Re'ng

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Nancy o nthusitse haholo mme a netefatsa hore tsohle li hantle kamoo ke neng ke hloka hore li be ka teng. Sample e ne e le ea boleng bo holimo ebile e lekana hantle haholo. Ka liteboho ho sehlopha sohle!

ho qhekella4
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Mehlala ke ea boleng bo holimo 'me e shebahala e le ntle haholo. morekisi o thusa haholo hape, ruri lerato le tla odara ka bongata haufinyane.

ho qhekella4
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Boleng bo monate! Ho molemo ho feta seo re neng re se lebeletse qalong. Jerry o sebetsa hantle haholo ebile o fana ka litšebeletso tse ntle ka ho fetisisa. O lula a le teng ka nako le likarabo tsa hae 'me o etsa bonnete ba hore oa hlokomeloa. Ha ke khone ho kopa motho ea betere ho sebetsa le eena. Kea leboha jerry!

ho qhekella4

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona