Hlohonolofatsa li-shirts tsa logo tse tloaelehileng bakeng sa banna

Li-Tshirts tsa Logo e Tloaelehileng-Theha setšoantšo sa mofuta o ikhethileng ka li-tee tsa rona tsa "logo" tseo u ka li khethang.

Fusion ea feshene le botho.

Hlahisa setaele sa hau se ikhethileng le mofuta oa hau ka meralo ea logo e ikhethileng.

E etselitsoe ho etsa li-t-shirts tse phutholohileng le tse tšoarellang ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Hlohonolofatsa Custom Logo Tshirts Manufacture

Re motlotlo ho u thusa ho etsa hore lebitso la hau le phele ka liaparo tsa boleng bo holimo le tse etselitsoeng motho ka mong.Sehlopha sa rona se nang le boiphihlelo se ikemiselitse ho theha li-t-shirts tsa logo tse ikhethileng tse sa bontsheng feela setaele le pono ea hau e ikhethang empa hape li siea maikutlo a sa feleng ho bamameli ba hau.

Letšoao la rona la liaparo le netefalitsoe ke BSCI, GOTS, le SGS, ho netefatsa litekanyetso tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa tsa ho fumana melao ea boitšoaro, thepa ea tlhaho, le polokeho ea sehlahisoa.

Ho tloha mohopolong oa moralo ho isa tlhahisong, re etsa bonnete ba hore re ela hloko lintlha le taolo e tiileng ea boleng, kahoo o ka bonts'a mofuta oa hau ka boikakaso.

Hore na o khoebo e batlang ho phahamisa logo ea hau kapa motho ea batlang ho hlahisa setaele sa hau, re mona ho fetola maikutlo a hau hore e be 'nete.

Hlohonolofatsa li-shirts tsa logo tsa banna (1)

Mekhoa e meng ea Li-Tshirts tsa Letšoao le Tloaelehileng

Hlohonolofatsa moetsi oa li tshirt tse tloahelehileng1

Hlohonolofatsa Custom Tank Top Manufacturer

Hlohonolofatsa tshirt e kgolohadi e tlwaelehileng ka e hatisitsweng1

Hlohonolofatsa Custom Tank Top Printing Bakeng sa Banna

Ka sehloohong-01

Hlohonolofatsa Custom Tank Tops Bakeng sa Banna

Hlohonolofatsa moetsi oa tshirt e tloahelehileng1

Hlohonolofatsa Litanka tsa Basali ba Tloaelehileng

Litšebeletso tse ikhethileng bakeng sa li-Tshirts tsa Logo tse Tloaelehileng



Moralo o ikhethileng:

Re na le sehlopha sa meralo sa profeshenale se ka etsang meralo e ikhethang ea li-logo e lumellanang le setšoantšo sa mofuta oa hau, mohopolo le litlhoko.Re tla sebetsa haufi-ufi le uena ho etsa bonnete ba hore lipaterone, mebala, le meralo li khahlametsa litlhoko tsa hau le boitsebahatso ba mofuta oa hau.


Khetho ea Lintho:

Re fana ka lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tse fapaneng tseo u ka khethang ho tsona bakeng sa li-t-shirts tsa hau.U ka khetha boitsebiso bo lumellanang le litakatso le litlhoko tsa hau, ho netefatsa boiketlo le ho tšoarella.

Masela a mebala-bala a mebala e mengata e khanyang le e hlakileng e rekisoang lebenkeleng le khethehileng ka masela bakeng sa ho lokisa liaparo
marikhoe a makgutshwane2


Likhetho tsa Boholo le Setaele:

Re fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea boholo le litaele ho khotsofatsa palo ea batho le litlhoko tsa 'maraka.Hore na o hloka litaele tsa banna, tsa basali, kapa tsa bana, re ka hlophisa meralo le boholo ho fihlela litlhoko tsa hau.


Boikemisetso ba Bongata:

Hore na o hloka likotoana tse 'maloa kapa bongata bo boholo, re ka sebetsana le litlhoko tsa hau tsa ho itlhophisa.Ka lisebelisoa tsa rona tse sebetsang hantle tsa tlhahiso le lits'ebetso, re ka khona ho laola ka nepo litlhoko tse kholo tsa ho iketsetsa ha re ntse re netefatsa ho nepahala ha boleng le nako ea ho fana.

Khopolo ea ketane ea thepa.Ho tloha ho reka bareki (ho reka) ho feta lipalangoang (ho tsamaisa, thepa) ho ea ho morero oa bareki.Ofisi e ka morao.

Hlohonolofatsa Custom Logo Tshirts

Tlhahiso e Tloaelehileng ea T-Shirt

Re sebetsa ka thata ho etsa li-t-shirts tsa boleng bo holimo tse etselitsoeng setaele le litlhoko tsa hau tse ikhethang.Ka lisebelisoa tsa rona tsa morao-rao le sehlopha se nang le phihlelo, re etsa bonnete ba ho nepahala ka lintlha tsohle tsa ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso, ho tloha ho khetho ea masela ho ea ho mekhoa ea khatiso.

Hlohonolofatsa-logo-shirts-bakeng sa banna-21

Iketsetse lebitso la hau la Brand lmage Le litaele

Re elelloa bohlokoa ba setšoantšo le setaele sa khoebo bakeng sa likhoebo, ke ka hona re elang hloko lintlha tsohle, ho tloha ho likopi ho isa ho tsa moralo, ho tloha ho litšoantšo ho isa ho mebala, ho netefatsa hore mofuta oa hau o ikhetha ho tsoa ho tse ling.Re tla sebetsa haufi-ufi le uena ho theha moralo o tsamaellanang le pono le litekanyetso tsa hau.

Moreki oa Rona o Re'ng

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Nancy o nthusitse haholo mme a netefatsa hore tsohle li hantle kamoo ke neng ke hloka hore li be ka teng.Sample e ne e le ea boleng bo holimo ebile e lekana hantle haholo.Ka liteboho ho sehlopha sohle!

ho qhekella4
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Mehlala ke ea boleng bo holimo 'me e shebahala e le ntle haholo.morekisi o thusa haholo hape, ruri lerato le tla odara ka bongata haufinyane.

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Boleng bo monate!Ho molemo ho feta seo re neng re se lebeletse qalong.Jerry o sebetsa hantle haholo ebile o fana ka litšebeletso tse ntle ka ho fetisisa.O lula a le teng ka nako le likarabo tsa hae 'me o etsa bonnete ba hore oa hlokomeloa.Ha ke khone ho kopa motho ea betere ho sebetsa le eena.Kea leboha jerry!

ho qhekella4

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona