Hlohonolofatsa Li-Shirts tse Tloaelehileng tsa Gradient

Hlohonolofatsa Gradient Tees - moo bonono bo kopanang le setaele ntle le matsapa.

Kena ka mebala, hlahisa maikutlo a hau ka Bless's Gradient T-shirts.

Natefeloa ke boiketlo bo bonolo moriting o mong le o mong oa Bless's Gradient Tees.

Ntlafatsa mokhoa o tloaelehileng ka li-T-Shirts tsa Bless's Custom Gradient.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Hlohonolofatsa Custom Custom Gradient T Shirts Manufacture

Rea u amohela lefats'eng la menyetla e metle, moo Bless a hlalosang bocha chic ea rona ka Custom Gradient T-Shirts Manufacture.Hempe e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e na le seila sa mebala, e entsoeng ka makhethe ho kopanya boiketlo le setaele.

Letšoao la rona la liaparo le netefalitsoe ke BSCI, GOTS, le SGS, ho netefatsa litekanyetso tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa tsa ho fumana melao ea boitšoaro, thepa ea tlhaho, le polokeho ea sehlahisoa.

Bless Custom Custom Gradient T-Shirts Manufacture e sebetsa hantle ka ho kopanya mebala e nepahetseng, e netefatsa hore liphetoho tse se nang moeli le likhahla tse hlasimollang tse phahamisang setaele sa hau ka botle bo ke keng ba bapisoa..

E-ba le boiketlo ba boiketlo bo hlophisitsoeng.Hempe e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e entsoe ka mokhoa o ts'oanelang hantle le lesela, ha e fane feela ka monate oa pono empa hape e fana ka kako e bonolo, e phutholohileng bakeng sa moaparo oa letsatsi le letsatsi..


Mekhoa e meng ea Li-Tshirts tse Tloaelehileng

Hlohonolofatsa moetsi oa li tshirt tse tloahelehileng1

Hlohonolofatsa moetsi oa tshirt ea tloaelo ea embroider

Hlohonolofatsa tshirt e kgolohadi e tlwaelehileng ka e hatisitsweng1

Hlohonolofatsa tshirt e kgolohadi e kgethehileng ka e hatisitsweng

Hlohonolofatsa li-shirts tsa logo tsa tloaelo bakeng sa banna1

Hlohonolofatsa li-shirts tsa logo tse tloaelehileng bakeng sa banna

Hlohonolofatsa moetsi oa tshirt e tloahelehileng1

Hlohonolofatsa ho etsoa ha tshirt e tloahelehileng

Litšebeletso tse Ikemetseng Bakeng sa Li-Shirts tse Tloaelehileng tsa Gradient



Palete ea Mmala e sa Lekanyetsoang:

Ikakhele ka setotsoana lefatšeng la mebala ea mebala ka Bless's Customized Services for Custom Gradient T-shirts.Ho tloha ho ho phatloha ho hoholo ho ea ho metsoako e thobang, pente ea rona e pharalletseng ea mebala e u fa matla a ho theha gradient e ikhethileng e bonts'ang maikutlo le setaele sa hau, e etsa hore hempe ka 'ngoe e be mosebetsi o ikhethang oa bonono.


Mekhoa e Ikemetseng ea Gradient:

Hlalosa pale ea setaele sa hau ka lipaterone tsa bespoke gradient.Bless e u lumella ho khetha ho tsoa mefuteng e fapaneng ea mekhoa - ho tloha ho li-gradients tse poteletseng bakeng sa ho ama ho rarahana ho ea ho liphapang tse sebete tse etsang polelo.T-Shirt ea hau ea Custom Gradient e fetoha seile moo botho bo kopanang le boqapi.

marikhoe a makgutshwane2


Fit e Felletseng ka ho Fetisisa:

Amohela matšeliso ka mokhoa oa hau.Litšebeletso tsa rona tse ikhethileng li atoloha ho lekana motho ka mong, ho netefatsa hore tee ea hau e lumellana le litekanyo tsa hau tse ikhethang.Itumelele ka bokhabane ba hempe e sa shebahaleng hantle feela empa e ikutloa e phethahetse, e matlafatsang boitšepo ba hau ka moaparo o mong le o mong.


Likarolo tsa Moralo oa Tlhahiso:

Phahamisa hempe ea hau ka likarolo tsa moralo oa signature.Ho sa tsotellehe hore na ke molala o ikhethang, mekhoa ea matsoho, kapa lintlha tse ikhethang tsa hem, Bless's Customized Services e u lumella ho kenya botho ba hau lesela le leng le le leng.T-Shirt ea hau ea Custom Gradient e fetoha mosebetsi o tsoileng matsoho o aparoang o pheta pale ea hau, o u arola har'a letšoele.


Li-T Shirts tsa Gradient tse Tloaelehileng

Custom Gradient T Shirts Manufacture

Kena sebakeng sa feshene ea motho ka mong ka Bless's Custom Gradient T-Shirts Manufacture.Sekipa se seng le se seng se feta lesela le likhoele;ke seile sa mebala e kopantsoeng ka hloko ho hlalosa pale ea hau.Ts'ebetso ea rona ea tlhahiso ke mokhoa o nepahetseng, o netefatsang li-gradients tse se nang moeli tse fetolang li-tee tse tloaelehileng hore e be lipontšo tse makatsang tsa setaele.


Iketsetse Sebopeho le Mekhoa ea Hao

Qala leeto la ho itlhalosa le ho ikemela ka botho ka Bless's "Create Your Own Brand Image And Styles."Mona, boiqapelo ba hau bo nka sebaka sa mantlha ha u ntse u hlalosa lebitso la hau le ikhethileng.Li-logo tsa Tailor tse lumellanang le pale ea hau, mekhoa e metle e bonahatsang botho ba hau, 'me u lumelle Bless hore e be sethala moo pale ea hau e ikhethang ea feshene e phelang.

Moreki oa Rona o Re'ng

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Nancy o nthusitse haholo mme a netefatsa hore tsohle li hantle kamoo ke neng ke hloka hore li be ka teng.Sample e ne e le ea boleng bo holimo ebile e lekana hantle haholo.Ka liteboho ho sehlopha sohle!

ho qhekella4
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Mehlala ke ea boleng bo holimo 'me e shebahala e le ntle haholo.morekisi o thusa haholo hape, ruri lerato le tla odara ka bongata haufinyane.

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Boleng bo monate!Ho molemo ho feta seo re neng re se lebeletse qalong.Jerry o sebetsa hantle haholo ebile o fana ka litšebeletso tse ntle ka ho fetisisa.O lula a le teng ka nako le likarabo tsa hae 'me o etsa bonnete ba hore oa hlokomeloa.Ha ke khone ho kopa motho ea betere ho sebetsa le eena.Kea leboha jerry!

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  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona