Hlohonolofatsa Lihempe tse Tloaelehileng tsa Gradient

Li-hues tse khanyang li kopane ka mokhoa o sa tsitsang.

Phetoho ea mebala e khahlang mahlo.

Matšeliso a kopana le feshene.

Meetso e ikhethang ea gradient.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Hlohonolofatsa Custom Custom Gradient Shirts Manufacture

Fumana mohlala oa setaele se ikhethileng ka Tlhahiso ea rona ea Bless Custom Gradient Shirts. Hempe e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e entsoe ka boqhetseke ho kopanya likhahla tse khanyang ntle le moroallo, ho etsa botle ba sejoale-joale le bo hohelang mahlo. Phahamisa liaparo tsa hau ka lihempe tse sa hlahiseng setaele feela empa hape li bonts'a botho ba hau bo ikhethang.

Letšoao la rona la liaparo le netefalitsoe ke BSCI, GOTS, le SGS, ho netefatsa litekanyetso tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa tsa ho fumana melao ea boitšoaro, thepa ea tlhaho, le polokeho ea sehlahisoa.

Ho Bless Custom Gradient Shirts Manufacture, re etelletsa pele boqapi ba boleng le thepa ea boleng bo holimo, re netefatsa ho tšoarella le ho boloka mebala e hlakileng ka hempe e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe..

Ka likhetho tsa rona tse ikhethileng tsa ho itlhophisa, u na le bolokolohi ba ho khetha mebala e khanyang le likarolo tsa moralo tse lumellanang hantle le setaele sa hau, ho theha hempe e ikhethang ho uena..


Mekhoa e Meng ea Lihempe Tse Tloaelehileng

Hlohonolofatsa moetsi oa li tshirt tse tloahelehileng1

Hlohonolofatsa moetsi oa tshirt ea tloaelo ea embroider

Hlohonolofatsa tshirt e kgolohadi e tlwaelehileng ka e hatisitsweng1

Hlohonolofatsa tshirt e kgolohadi e kgethehileng ka e hatisitsweng

Hlohonolofatsa li-shirts tsa logo tsa tloaelo bakeng sa banna1

Hlohonolofatsa li-shirts tsa logo tse tloaelehileng bakeng sa banna

Hlohonolofatsa moetsi oa tshirt e tloahelehileng1

Hlohonolofatsa ho etsoa ha tshirt e tloahelehileng

Litšebeletso tse Itokiselitsoeng Bakeng sa Lihempe tse Tloaelehileng tsa Gradient



Khetho ea 'Mala oa Gradient ea Vibrant:

Ikakhele ka setotsoana ka har'a mefuta e mengata ea mebala le likhahla ho theha Hempe e Tloaelehileng ea Gradient e bonts'ang setaele le botho ba hau bo ikhethang. Ho tloha ho liphapang tse matla ho isa ho tse poteletseng, mefuta ea rona e mengata ea mebala e u lumella ho rala hempe ea hau hore e lumellane le ketsahalo efe kapa efe kapa maikutlo, ho netefatsa chebahalo e matla joalo ka uena.


Likhetho tsa Premium Fabric:

Ikakhele ka setotsoana ho mabothobotho ka khetho ea rona ea masela a boleng bo holimo bakeng sa Shirt ea hau e Tloaelehileng ea Gradient. Khetha ho tsoa mefuteng e bonolo le e phefumolohang ea k'hothone bakeng sa moaparo o monate oa letsatsi le letsatsi, kapa khetha polyester e bobebe bakeng sa chebahalo e ntle le ea sejoale-joale. Ho sa tsotellehe hore na u rata eng, masela a rona a boleng bo phahameng a tiisa ho tšoarella le boiketlo, a etsa hore hempe ea hau e be ntho e ka sehloohong ea liaparo tsa hau bakeng sa lilemo tse tlang.

2.lesela-ka tloaelo
marikhoe a makgutshwane2


Tailored Fit Expert:

Eba le ho lekana hantle ka ts'ebeletso ea rona e ikhethileng bakeng sa lihempe tsa Custom Gradient. Re fe litekanyo tsa hau, 'me baroki ba rona ba nang le litsebo ba tla netefatsa hore hempe ea hau e hohela li-curve kapa e fana ka sebaka se lekaneng sa kamore, ho latela khetho ea hau. Hore na o khetha ho iketla, ho lekana hantle, kapa ho ba mosesaane, boitseanape ba rona bo u tiisetsa moaparo o boreleli o ntlafatsang boitšepo le setaele sa hau.


Likarolo tsa Moqapi o Ikhethileng:

Ntlafatsa hempe ea hau ea Custom Gradient ka likarolo tse ling tsa moralo tse bonts'ang botho ba hau. Khetha ho tsoa mefuteng e fapaneng ea mekhoa ea lipokothong, meralo ea melala, bolelele ba matsoho, le tse ling ho kenya lihokelo tse ikhethileng tse etsang hore hempe ea hau e be ea hau ka tsela e ikhethang. Ka likhetho tsa rona tsa ho ikhethela, u na le bolokolohi ba ho etsa hempe e sa shebahaleng hantle feela empa hape e bonts'a setaele sa hau le likhetho tsa hau.

marikhoe a makgutshwane1

Lihempe tse Tloaelehileng tsa Gradient

Tlhahiso e Tloaelehileng ea Lihempe tsa Gradient

E entsoe ka boqhetseke le boqapi, Tlhahiso ea rona ea Custom Gradient Shirts Manufacture e fana ka mebala e fapaneng e lumellanang le botho ba hau. Hempe e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ke mosebetsi o tsoileng matsoho, o kopanya ka mokhoa o sa reroang likhahla tse khanyang ho etsa botle ba sejoale-joale le bo hohelang mahlo. Phahamisa liaparo tsa hao ka lihempe tse sa bueng haholo feela ka setaele sa hao empa hape li bonahatsa botho ba hao bo ikhethang.


Iketsetse Sebopeho le Mekhoa ea Hao

Matlafatsa boitsebahatso ba lebitso la hau 'me u hlalose mokhoa oa ho saena ka ts'ebeletso ea rona ea Iketsetse Sets'oants'o le Litaele tsa hau. Ho tloha ho ho etsa setšoantšo sa mofuta o ikhethileng ho isa ho mekhoa e metle e lumellanang le bamameli ba hau, re mona ho fetola pono ea hau hore e be ea nnete. Etsa hore boiqapelo ba hau bo hole ha re ntse re sebelisana 'moho ho theha lebitso le momahaneng le u khethollang' marakeng.

Moreki oa Rona o Re'ng

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Nancy o nthusitse haholo mme a netefatsa hore tsohle li hantle kamoo ke neng ke hloka hore li be ka teng. Sample e ne e le ea boleng bo holimo ebile e lekana hantle haholo. Ka liteboho ho sehlopha sohle!

ho qhekella4
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Mehlala ke ea boleng bo holimo 'me e shebahala e le ntle haholo. morekisi o thusa haholo hape, ruri lerato le tla odara ka bongata haufinyane.

ho qhekella4
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Boleng bo monate! Ho molemo ho feta seo re neng re se lebeletse qalong. Jerry o sebetsa hantle haholo ebile o fana ka litšebeletso tse ntle ka ho fetisisa. O lula a le teng ka nako le likarabo tsa hae 'me o etsa bonnete ba hore oa hlokomeloa. Ha ke khone ho kopa motho ea betere ho sebetsa le eena. Kea leboha jerry!

ho qhekella4

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona